Best Data Cleansing Providers in US

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Accelerant Leads has excellent team of professionals who are experts in data cleansing of email lists. Email lists decay by 20-22% every year and data cleansing helps in maintaining your email list hygiene and in maximizing your email marketing ROI. Email list cleaning is a priority in any email marketer’s schedule so as to ensure maximum CTRs, qualified leads, and open rates and to maintain a healthy email list. Data cleansing ensures right data will reach right audience and reduces data redundancies. Data cleansing will improve email sender score and protects from email database degradation.

We prepare a data quality plan to identify the area with more data quality errors and incorrect links and prepare a systematic quality plan based on the root problem. We check the data at entry point and evaluate the contact information at each and every point to ensure that all the data you have gathered is standardized and registered in your database. There will rare chances of redundancy. We confirm the accuracy of your data by validating database information by cleaning out your existing database. You can invest on effective marketing data tools like address verification software for merging your various data sets and check out for duplicates by implementation of tools followed by data appending. You can save more time from manual work caused due to redundancies. After completion of whole append process, the newly obtained database is downloaded for further use. The data thus obtained will be compiled to identify whether it is complete information for analytics and business intelligence.

Data cleansing will help you to reduce the chances of facing dirty data. By systematic implementation of data cleansing and data appending on regular time basis, email database degradation can be minimized. It will not only save your database from degradation but will also improve your IP reputation. By implementing data cleansing for your email database, you can expect maximum revenue and ROI. Data cleansing helps you to not only enhance your customer segmentation, but also send specific information to targeted audience.