Best Email Verification & Validation Providers in US

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Accelerant Leads provides Tele-verified services to cleanse your databases into absolutely fresh and clean by scrapping the old, inactive records. Our technical experts identify the discrepancies in the existing records and immediately fix them through a quick validation process. We tele-verify our contacts data by making the phone call. The initial phone call allows our trained experts to confirm that the contact data is accurate. Company contact data can change very rapidly during company mergers, acquisitions, layoffs. We have experts to perform manual and automated data cleansing. Our sales representatives make a call or send an email, to make a contact. Sales representatives make contact each time they pick up the phone or send an email to a contact using a tele-verified marketing list. We can help you convert any state of your database into clean and fresh database, through our extensive Tele-verified process

Our Tele-verified services are designed to clean your databases into absolutely fresh by scrapping the old, inactive records. We identify the discrepancies in the existing records and fix them through a quick validation process immediately. Every contact is a prospective customer. If we miss out on any one customer due to wrong contact can cost you very high. The verification through telephone is manually made. If the contact information is not complete, then it shall not get certified to be added into our data lists.

Tele-verified brings down the spam reports and improves your communication with your contacts. It will help to enhance your brand reputation. We guarantee you with a comprehensive solution that ensures any database delivered to you is accurate and updated. We ensure maximum ROI through your qualified data. Tele-verified process Increase the response on your campaigns. During the Tele-verified process, incorrect, invalid and inactive records are deleted from the databases. We help you to get your database cleansed and updated. We have highly trained professionals who will clean the database on a regular basis. Our automated data-cleansing process involves running data hygiene checks, leveraging our in house contact database and email validation. Sales and marketing team will do better with the help of our data hygiene processes and Tele-verified services.